I don’t know how to help

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    • #6152

      So this is my first ever time talking to someone outside of our circle and not really sure what to say or do!!! So my husband and I have been together 10 years xx we were happy with no probs aparts from the bogs standard moans lol xxx for 5 years then my husband started doing coke only very occasionally and invited me to join in xx I did and enjoyed the social side of things once a month a bit of a party here and there xx but then it’s started to become more regular to the point my husband was inviting people round to sniff xx and I have got to admit I did it to xx but I have now got incredibly strong anxiety which previously I never suffered with, but recognise the reasons behind I have been trying my self to come off coke but struggled as it is always around xxxx I’ve have put rules in place that he can’t have people round but he thinks if I get her on it she will be fine and he can do it to xxxx so then it became a point in which if we did it together without anyone else that was fine we used to talk and be intimate now that’s stopped xxx I have asked him not to bring round me or even mention it as when it not around me I don’t need it but he can’t stop as he nod that’s the only way that he can do it without me moaning xxxx I want to help him I love him with all my heart please send me some advice ans to making him realise that he can’t keep this life up or bringing me into it xxx I’ve been clean for 2 months now xxxx

    • #18953

      Hi Trev90,

      Well done on being clean for 2 months, that’s really positive, keep going. I think if you do continue as you are you will find that your anxiety will get better as well.

      I am the Mum of an addict, drugs and alcohol and it ruins lives, it is an evil drug, but they will only stop when they want too.

      Would he join any groups like NA or anything, perhaps you could go together, most meetings are held via zoom at the moment.

      My Son does meetings every day and he finds them very useful.

      There are fantastic people on here who are really good to talk too, I only joined last week and have found it really helpful.

      Keep going for you, take care.


    • #18954

      I’m not sure he actually even realises there is a problem so getting him to any form of counselling is a no go atm!!!

      Well done to your son and yourself again keep going with support and love there is a better chance of people beating this horrible drug!!!

      Can I ask what sort of advice did h give ur son in regards to admitting the problem xx

      • #18955

        Hi Trev90,

        My son didn’t really admit he had a problem until his counsellor in Rehab told him. I think a lot of the time they are in denial, and the longer it goes on, they suffer with varying mental problems, which in turn affects everyone around them.


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