I don’t know what or how I feel

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    • #6940

      So my ex partner was addicted to coke for 2 years . I lost my self in the addiction , by trying to save her . I lost all my self esteem and all my confidence with the things she was doing , and I think I’ve been emotional abused .

      Finally got her into rehab for 3 weeks and she’s out now and she doesn’t want anything to do with me and says I’m a big trigger for her !

      I was the only one who was there for her . It’s like a dagger to my heart . I don’t know if I feel like this because I feel rejected and everything I went through was for nothing. Or am I codependent ? I just don’t understand . But all I know is that I feel so alone and lost . We’ve sold our house , my ex has taken my dog and I don’t even know where she is now .

      The thing is we were everthing to each other before the coke …I though her getting off it would make her see that again …but she hates me

    • #24724

      Hey Paul how’s things. X

      • #24725

        Where to start !

        So havnt heard off her all week , then she turns up at our house on Friday , wanting more clothes as she’s staying with one of her rehab friends in Birmingham .

        As she was leaving she asked if I was seeing anyone then gave me a hug and a kiss and said she was sorry for everything .then she left .

        Following day I get a message off her saying I was right about the dealer and about everything and she can’t believe she was so stupid not to see these things.

        Then I get a voice mail , asking if next week I would like to go for a meal with her when she’s back .

        The next day I get a phone call off her , she’s telling me that the dealer had phoned her and told her she’s a horrible person now , she doesn’t care about anyone now she’s been to rehab and he wants the money she owes him .

        So she tells me that she wants him sent down so he can’t ruin anymore lives , she told me that he would decide whether or not she was allowed coke of him , and he used to tell her that if he thought it was right he would let her have some . So her counselors told he that it was a form of control and he was telling her it was to protect her. So they are no longe friends or what ever they where before ! God knows .

        So now she’s basically on a rampage of grassing him up to the police and she wants eveyone else to do it . It’s all just crazy it really is !

        • #24729

          Hey Paul, glad things seem to be better between the both of you, I hope it continues. Wow what a scumbag to do that to her and use her vulnerability like that. They probably do that to her an many others it’s disgusting the lives they ruin all for a pound note! I suspect he’s saying all this as he’s lost her custom most likely! I hope she steers clear of him and doesn’t fall for he’s crap and get stuck back in it all. I would maybe suggest she lets things settle down before grassing him up. What these people are capable of or the people above him she needs to be careful that’s for sure. I hope your okay though even through all the madness!

          • #24796

            Update ! She’s now got a new boyfriend ! Someone she met in rehab . I have also been informed she was with the dealer . Who she was planning on getting with when she got out . But things went wrong for them 2 when he refused to take coke into rehab for her ! So she’s living with someone she met for 3 weeks in rehab ! I’m absolutely devastated with all this news ! Iv been played massively

    • #24726

      She’s also got her dad to go to his house and told him to never get intouch with her ever again

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