I give up

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    • #4660

      I knew it was there somewhere but i have found my limit. I wrote a few months ago about how i hoped my husband was managing to beat his addiction and that i had even tried to forgive his adultery.
      But after a 6 month separation he has been spiralling out of control again, taking out over £700 in pay day loans this week and staying out all night – and he still has not paid me a penny towards xhild maintenance or the tens of thousands he owes me.
      So i am done. I give up after 4 extremely long, emotional and very lonely years of putting my whole heart and soul and every ounce of energy i have into trying to help him recover. I have my daughter to think about and i am so fed up of such constant high levels of anxiety and tightness in my chest like indigestion.
      The serenity prayer aa/na uses works for us to – there are some things we just can not change and we need to not worry about what we are not in control of.
      I will pray for him and hope for his and our baby’s sake that he manages to beat this. But it has to come from him and he alone is the only one who can decide to beat it.
      Today is the first day of my new chapter in life. I wonder what adventures and happiness it will bring.

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