I had it all !! Marriage , business , holidays I was happy .

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    • #4453

      I’ve been married for 18 years I’m now 42 . We worked hard and established a good business , my 2 youngest went to private school we had luxury holidays I thought we had made it then in the last 3 years alcohol became more and more apparent ? Florid he wanted to sit I the local bar I wanted to hit the rides with the kids ! Local business meetings , Xmas parties I started to see he couldn’t control his behaviour . Wanting to drink a small shot in a morning ! Horrified me I was having breakfast he was having a drink ? In short he went the priory . 16 grand for a month it did nothings ! After 2.weeks he was back drinking , ive left my home, lost my car , everything all through vodka ! Ive lost a man I love to drink ! I’m now with my kids surviving on benefits it’s soul destroying and when i try to take the kids he’s drinking yet I have the calls at 3 am I will change lol !off him . I hope he gets better

    • #9226

      I’ve sugar coated all of it ! I’m sure we all do .

      • #10010

        thank you for sharing

      • #10013

        Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and articulating so brilliantly what so many are going through.
        Please contact The Icarus Trust if you feel you could do with some support for yourself.
        You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
        We are a charity that supports those like yourself affected by a loved one’s addictions.
        All the very best to you.

    • #9237

      I’m sorry that things are so hard for you. if you would like to talk to someone, The Icarus Trust is a charity that supports the friends and families of addicts. We have experienced trained volunteers who you could talk with if you contact us. It is a free service and it might help you to deal with the issues you are facing to talk with someone who would understand. They could also signpost you to what other help is available.
      You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
      Good luck with everything!

    • #9250


      I’ve been through a similar situation with my Dad. It started out as a few beers here and there, and then it turned into a bottle of vodka a day. He’s the loveliest man when he’s not drunk, however he’s a monster when he’s full of drink. Be strong for your kids – at least they have one responsible parent and I bet you’re doing an incredible job! It seems absolutely horrendous now, but with time, things will start looking up!

      All the best, stay stong!
      Lauren. xo

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