I have to come off here, as I am not a family member of an addict.

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    • #5763

      Admin keeps deleting my post and comments as this site is just for family of addicts, and have sent me emails telling me this. I’m gutted really because it has helped me with my own cocaine addiction.

      Just like to thank everyone who has helped and supported me; you know who you are! Thank you very much take care x

    • #16379

      Sorry to hear this Danman, you have helped a lot of us understand on here. I can remember when you were the only one on here.

      Looks like it was taken over by people with their own addictions. We have lost our supporter. Thank you also for the help you have given me over these past few years, I couldn’t have understood without you.

      I wish you all the best. Please. please keep up the good work. This has reduced me to tears.

    • #16380

      Same to you hox. You have helped me a great deal. Ill prob pop on now and again. But i have to respect admin and other people might not be happy aswell. I hope everything goes well for you. Take care.

      • #16382

        Thanks Danman, take good care of yourself and your family.

    • #16442

      Take care danman83, make sure you do pop back on every now an then. Shame coz you have so much good advice for us when we can’t understand certain things. You have been a massive help. Love to you and your family x

      • #18210

        Thanks are u still here?

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