I just need some advice and reassurance

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    • #6026

      I’m currently 17. Three years ago my family and I moved to England from South Africa and it was a major culture shock. My mother has been excessively drinking and using drugs since (and I’ve heard that she also did this before the move but I was oblivious to this as I was quite young). As a result of this, a lot of responsibility has fallen on me. I used to have such a good relationship with my mother, but all the stress and fighting has caused me to not talk to her anymore. My mother was just drunk and we were in an argument when she told me that she might have Alcohol-Related Liver Disease and I don’t know what to do. My grandmother lives with us so my siblings and I are not in any direct danger but I can’t help but feel that if I didn’t stop talking to my mum that things would be different. That’s all.

      I just need some advice on how to approach things. This is the first time in my life that I truly feel helpless and unsure of what to do.

    • #17986

      Hey welcome and thanks for the post.

      Having an alcoholic addict parent is very stressful.

      It’s hard to comment as I don’t k ow you or your mum or the situation very well, what I can say is that none of this is your fault in any way, and you are also not responsible.

      Quite often when you ha e an alcoholic or addict parent, the roles are reversed and you find you are parenting them. It’s natural to want to look after family, but you must make sure that you are OK.

      Can you say what drugs?

      • #17990

        Thank you for replying.

        I only know of weed and cocaine, but because she is my parent I really can’t tell because she doesn’t tell me any of this and I’m unaware of what she does when she’s away on a bender.

    • #17989


    • #17991

      Got it.

      Do you think she sees this as a problem or would you say she is in denial?

    • #17993

      To be honest I don’t think she realizes the severity of the issue, because even after admitting the possibility for liver disease she still is still excessively drinking.

      Therefore, I believe she still denies the problem and its effects on the people around her.

    • #17994

      To be honest I don’t think she realizes the severity of the issue, because even after admitting the possibility for liver disease she still is still excessively drinking.

      Therefore, I believe she still denies the problem and its effects on the people around her.

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