I left him

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    • #6814

      I finally left my fience we tried a weekend break in a hotel promised he would do 2lines but ended up having a binge in the morning I said come on we gotta get up see my mum he said “don’t start” I went to my mums on my own he was calling me saying he going to kill himself ect I contacted his mum she said she warned him that he will lose me if he keeps doing coke then she spoke to him and his mum and dad reading him the riot act the yesterday evening I went to the hotel to talk to him he was crying saying he has a problem and he does it cos I’m no fun which did hurt me now I’m not going back with him I’m staying with my mum now he saying I don’t love him,I spoke to him this morning but cos I’m not going back from Eastbourne with him he now saying he finds it hard to believe I love I said what about his family he said he don’t care I still love him why don’t he relise I’m doing this out of love his mum said she don’t blame me for leaving him after the broken weekend promise she could see I was always walking on eggshells but now I left him I feel so ill worse then I was when I was with him does it get easier the grief of breaking up with a addict I feel so alone x

    • #23743

      You are right breaking up is so hard because there are so many mixed emotions

      You have to remember why you made the decision and if things were right you wouldn’t even have thought about leaving

      Addiction brings its own personal relationship that at first you are the wingman then you become the enemy

      It’s completely the worst thing to go

      It feels so selfish to put yourself first but that’s what you must do to get through this

    • #23750

      Thankyou I just don’t know why I keep breaking down in tears is that normal xxx

    • #23751

      At the end of any relationship it’s bad, but with addiction mixed In its horrific; there are so many unanswered questions

      Even though you make the decision it’s like you have been pushed to it. They have chosen Drugs over you so you feel rejected

      In twenty years you will bump into him on the high street and chances are he will still be making the same choice but you will have moved moved on and had a happy life

    • #23767


      So sorry you are going through such a tough time. If you would like some help please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that offers support to people like you who are dealing with the impact of a partner’s addiction. One of our trained and experienced Family Friends would talk with you if you contact us and maybe that would help you to find a way forward.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      All the best.

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