I need help

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    • #7579

      Hello, I was a cocaine addict for almost two years. I came clean for a year now but then I relapsed on May once and didnt repeat it ever since which means for two months now. My problem is that I cant stop thinking about it and Ive been trying so hard to avoid it. What can I do ? Please help

    • #29945

      Hi bahega, I think you pass the most critical period and now you are clean ????????. Just try to be busy wiz your friends, kids and your husband ❤️And once you get thinking of it try to put something you in love on front of you “ ex you kids, family “ always remember you toke the quit decision by ur self. Will always be here if you would like to talk any time champion ????????????????

      • #29987

        I would like to go to Sahel♥️

        • #29988

          Hahahahah.as I told you , will always be here ready to go ❤️

    • #29979

      Hi Bahega. Key for me was creating a life I wanted to live as opposed to the old life minus the coke. I respect the “Beast” within and don’t ignore it else it festers like an elephant in the room which you’re desperately trying to avoid. Write down what it is you want to be, have some principles you want to abide by and again write them down. You seek clarity when you do this. Imagine if the constraints of those vices weren’t weighing you down, what would you want to do? Dream….dream big….coke stopped me from doing many things, now that I’m nearly 5 months clean I feel reborn and am extremely overcome with gratitude with this new way of being

      • #29986

        Thank you very much Kulstar for takimg the time to write this down. I truly appreciate it and Im proud of you for getting clean 🙂 I will try writing down what it is I need or want. Thank you again????

    • #30786

      Hey Bahega, from along time we didn’t hear from you! Hope evth is okay and now you are better !!!

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