I want my daughter back

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    • #4005

      My daughter will be 30 this year – she has made some poor decisions over the past 15 years and gone from one disastrous relationship to another. Every boyfriend has had an addiction to drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs and anything that they can get hold of. Every boyfriend has lived off the state and every boyfriend has at some time been in prison for a drug related offence. My daughter has chosen to be involved in this scene and has recently made it clear that she will chose who she spends her life with but I refuse to give up – I want her back – I feel such a failure as her mum. 18 months ago she injected morphine patches and went into respiratory arrest – she was clinically dead when the paramedics got to her – I feel so helpless and I mourn her as though she is already dead. I just don’t know where to turn or what to do – I recently went to Dr and CDAT appointments with her and I am now convinced that she will never change – she always talks such a good game but never walks it. I love her so much and really do miss her – I just want my daughter back.

    • #7838

      when I read your post I thought you were talking about my daughter shes a replica although only 22 and has 2 children by different fathers – she s had 3 tall to different dads but our first grandson was born sleeping and I have the next 2 on a residency order. I too used to have a fantastic relationship with her, but nowshe just feeds me a pack of lies, her third child is mixed race to her 60 yr old drug dealer. every day I wake crying convinced that this will be the day someone tells me shes dead, I loveher so much in her latest disastourous relationship she is now a crack addict and alcoholic, social services have taken her children, she s been banned from driving for been drunkand lives in a complete dump I am at my wits end, I just wanther back too, and the best quote I have ever heard is yous – she talks such a good game but never walks the walk I have never heard a truer word x

    • #7839

      My heart bleeds for you , i am thankfull that my son has no children , i really don,t think i could cope with that as well as his heroin addiction , god bless you ,stay strong x

    • #7840

      You could also be talking about my daughter who can tell me exactly what she knows I want to hear and it is everyone’s fault apart from her’s, that things don’t work out. She is so chaotic and seems to be happy when she is with the latest boyfriend who share’s the life she seems to have chosen….I suppose as a mother I can only ‘be there’ but it is very difficult when as you say ‘they talk a good game but never walk the walk’. x

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