I want my lovely son back!

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    • #3977

      I have 4 children, my second son has had some emotional problems from a very early age, to which although we have cried out for help were told it was our parenting skills and he was fine. He started secondary school and well it went downhill from there. He began to smoke cannibas, stoned everyday and doing ‘bongs’. My son has stolen from me and his siblings, lied, got into trouble with the police but denies he has a problem. We were told he had ADHD finally at age 12 but this is no excuse. First year of secondary school he had manage move, although at first seemed a good move my son once again gave up with his normal friends and hung around with kids that smoked cannabis and drunk etc. Life is hell. I have had everyone involved, education authorities, drug help support, school, police but am still no where forward. My two younger children go through the hell with me too we are verbally abused on a daily basis and well I dont know how Im still going. I JUST WANT MY SON BACK!! Social services not been interested and now my son is on bail. Whilst on bail I then found cannabis on my kitchen units, I rang the police and he was arrested. I am not proud of what I am doing but Im trying to make him realise he is losing everything in his life including his family. His older brother doesnt want to know him now. My husband and I divorced as he cannot cope with his behaviour. Can anyone please advise on support for me and my two younger children but most of all if my son is in denial, what do I do, sit back and watch him go onto stronger drugs or harm himself? I just want to cry and wrap him up and not let him go, I cant ground him he just causes damage in the house and im in private rent, so you see we are in a vicious circle. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can anyone help??

    • #7879

      I feel for you so much, it’s awful to go through this. You story sounds asthough I have written it although to my knowledge my son hasn’t been involved with the police. I’m sorry I can’t help you as I am also trying to get help but no one seems to want to know. I hope something changes for you for the better.
      From another desperate Mum x

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