I want to die

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    • #6217

      I do not take drugs and drink, never been into drugs and drink other than normal smoking but anyways, I really really really badly want to die even tonight I would happily take my life, I’m so so close, but I am a single parent with a 1 and 2 year old no partner there, never had a partner there I am young with no parents and no family and no support. If I killed myself, my kids would have no one but I can’t take it anymore, I feel too selfish to do it as I brought these babies in the world I can’t just let them go and ruin their lives, but I honestly cannot take it anymore, my life is a constant stress and drama, I constantly get bullied and picked on as I come across very volunerable, I’m very underweight with no energy and everyday is a new drama I have so much on my plate 24.7 I want to die I feel worthless, there wouldn’t be a soul at my funeral no one would find me dead inside the house no one checks on me no one comes, my 2 year old would end up finding me dead and be stuck alone for days and days probably, its my worst nightmare but I cannot continue my life like this

    • #19282

      It’s not very often comments on here leave me speechless, all I can say is your children need you, & you’re not alone you have them. You’re important and you are loved you have so much to live for, a future with your babies, I’m so sorry you haven’t got the support you need being a young mum is tough but you can talk to someone maybe your gp or get out to some local groups meet some mums like yourself. Please get back to me If you want to talk you’re not alone sending love xx

    • #19284

      I wish I knew what to say to make everything better. You are valued, you are loved and you are worthy. Feeling this low wont last forever..please get some help and support to get you through it. I will keep you in my thoughts.

    • #19285

      Girl next-door

      I wish I could be there right now to give you a hug and help and support you.

      I wanted you to know that there is hope for you. There is support and help out there if you look for it.

      Covid has changed a lot of situations, but people still get help when they need it. I don’t think you should be on your own just now.

      Have you tried calling the Samaritans? Or even the adfam homepage, I think you should seek help immediately , your children need you and you need to be healthy in mind and body to take care of them.

      Please don’t struggle on your own any longer and go and seek help immediately.

      I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

      Be strong, if not for yourself , for your children.


    • #19286

      Girl next door,

      First of all I am so very sorry you feel the way you do, and feel like there is no way out apart from ending your life.

      I would also like to say well done for leaving that post, it wouldn’t have been easy for you.

      Some advise from past experience with me. My ex was 28 when he committed suicide leaving behind 3 young children, the devastation it left behind lasts forever.

      My brother also in the past 6 months has had 4 failed attempts. He also has 2 children. My brothers last attempt left him in a coma with doctors telling the family he would not make it through the night. Luckily he did, it made him realise he couldn’t kill himself, that he was loved and needed.

      You girlnextdoor are LOVED and NEEDED by your babies, it may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel right now but there is, I promise life will get better!

      Make yourself a cuppa tea, run a hot bath and put meditation music on while whispering to yourself ‘calm, I’m loved’. Go and look at your babies sleeping, thinking of them laughing. They NEED you!

      Please be strong, seek help and look after yourself! It will get easier x

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