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    • #4263

      If you are struggling with a family addiction-related crisis, then Icarus may be able to help you. Icarus is a free, non-profit service to help people find support for their particular problem. We have trained Family Friends with access to extensive resource who can LISTEN, REASSURE and SIGNPOST for you. Family Friends remain in place in case you want to come back to us for more help. You have to register on http://www.icarustrust.co.uk

    • #8531

      I have heard of Icarus and I think a friend of mine made contact and found them very helpful. I will visit the site and take a look.

      • #8821

        Hi Jojo,

        I’m so sorry, that just sounds tragic. I know you’re friends help you you, but you can get support from people who have been in similar situations, and you can relate to them. They are called Family Friends, and are volunteers with The Icarus Trust. There is no charge for having someone to speak to. You can contact them on their website http://www.icarustrust.co.uk or contact them on info@icarustrust.org.

        I hope you find someone you can relate to.

        • #9345

          Oh Hunni, I feel so sad for your sister…as a mother of an AS the hardest thing to do is stop enabling. It took me 4 years before the light went on, and since then I’ve kicked him out, had to call the police when he went to my mothers and started kicking off and told him we were done, and would have no more contact till ge made changes…it’s been hard, my son is in recovery, and has relapsed,mad a breakdown,but he is making small changes…..I’m sure wecwill still have challenges, but your sister should feel safe in her own home…..I truly believe that withdrawing from my son was the best thing I could have done for him. He has a job, sees his son and even though he still makes some poor decisions, I see a man who really wants to get well….I hope our story has helped in some way….sending love x

        • #9351

          As a 20 yr addict with a 68yr old mum who has seen it all,words fail to convey the embarrassment,shame,guilt and downright depression i have caused this wonderful lady.But i dont beat her or threaten her for money so my sympathy lies with the mum-you did all you could-these are his mistakes.Im glad things seem on track.

        • #9364

          Maybe you or your sister would like to contact The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports the friends and families of addicts. It is really hard what your sister is going through and if you think it would be helpful we have experienced trained volunteers that either or both of you could talk to.
          You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
          Good luck!

        • #9607

          Thank you for sharing your story.

          It seems there are few services and research done considering the experience of family members, in particular siblings. That is why I am conducting a research project looking at the narratives of siblings, encouraging others like you to share their experiences. If you wish to participate and share your story or would like more information please contact me at u1422721@uel.ac.uk. Thank you.

      • #8823

        Hi jojo…firstly the only person to blame is the person addicted, and addicts love to blame everyone but themselves….and the only person who can really help them is themselves….living around an addict is like walking on egg shells, and the worst kind of living…mainly because you get drawn into their pain,anger, despair! Loving an addict I’d the hardest thing, but there is help for families…just talking to others is a godsend…I found this page around 8 months ago and had just stopped enabling my son…that meant no help at all…no money, not living with us, and only getting our cooperation and support when he made the decision to get help…he has had one relapse in around 9 weeks, started work which he loves, and generally trying to continue on Hispano to sobriety…it’s hard, and heart breaking turning your back on your son, but it gave him the wake up call….he could relapse at any time, but he knows with our support his counsellor and really trying he has a chance….in your case your children and you are what’s important…please think about the effect this will be having on them.”,massive hugs to you Hun, and I really hope he can fight his addiction before it’s too late…hugs Hunni xxx

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