Ignorance is bliss

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      The facebook page has been left open – you are tempted to look but should you? If you go ahead you might, like me, wish you hadn’t. The voice created by the words on the page is completely alien- it takes a few minutes to register and interpret the meaning of the words swimming in front of your eyes.

      It’s the chill of realisation, the physical reaction of cold fear when you now know for sure what all the signs had hinted at, but you chose to ignore. The filthy room, the tapping for more, the phone calls from school informing you that once again your child is absent without leave. The face, not so very long ago, that you washed and kissed and stroked, now amass of boils.

      There are two main schools of thought regarding teenage behaviour – either leave them alone and they will come home wagging their tails behind them or frankly as a parent you should have done more – you have failed your child, Weak leadership.

      Oh if only it were that simple – the former view is quoted by people either childless or remembering fondly their own youthful misdemeanors or from aged parents softened by the passing years and with a sea of alcohol between them and the raw reality of the past. A reckless view and wholly useless to parents enduring the consequences on the front line. The second view taps into your guilt and erodes any sense of self worth you may have left – if you can even remember who or what being your own person is. It petrifies your soul and you learn to live a lie among smug spouting colleagues – your pathetic fear of public shame.

      So if you look at his facebook page you will know and if you know, you will, more likely than not, end up trying to sort it all out. But it just aint that easy

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