Im a wreck

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    • #7639

      Hi im new here ive been addicted to cocaine for 6 yrs now. It dnt interfere with everyday life i hold down a job but i drink twice a week on weekends n then i need the coke i am saddened by my addiction and want to go back to havin a drink without craving coke

    • #30523

      Maybe im on wrong forum I’m addicted to cocaine ur all with sumone who is addicted i was with sumone who drove me to it. Im my opinion leave em it don’t get better it gets worse

      • #30531

        Just picking up on what you said about someone drove you to it. One of the first steps is to accept responsibility for your own actions, else you’ll always have someone else to blame. Acceptance opens up your heart and mind to admitting you’ve got a problem and attempting to do something about it.

        Unless someone was holding a gun to your head making you sniff lines else they’ll shoot you then you have to accept it was you who made those choices. That’s the pull of the drug but we have to be stronger than that, nurture the spirit within and not the beast

    • #30528

      Hi Tracie,

      Seems like we’re both in the wrong forum. But exactly what is the right forum when reaching out for something, when we don’t even know what we are reaching out for.

      I’m a 60+ father of 3 adult “kids” who blame their dad for their alcoholism. The wife’s opinion is also ‘they get it from dad’s genes. I stopped drinking alcohol 24 years ago and my now 40 year daughter 5 years ago but neither period was pleasant. My daughter’s recovery took years and was undiscriebable, ( I can’t even spell the word!!! But it was hard). Addicts don’t really understand how hard it is on their family members until they sober up and relive it trying to fix another loved one in their life. However even in an addiction, the addict is a “family member” to an addict. ( I was a family member of alcoholics before becoming one).

      Last night I took away a bottle of whisky from my 39 year old son, he’d stopped in January and in his room I say he had a 3 month AA chip. He’s been on a bender for weeks, work, girl friend, dad and life issue excuses. Last night the wife said the same old repetitive thing stop drinking or get out, and I asked her to tell him to go to meetings. This morning I went into his room and threw a 5 year AA sobriety chip to him saying that’s for the bottle of whisky I took from last night. That’s cohesiveness in trying to get him to re start going to meetings. Both were in my house at the same time and daughter is with new partner new house and one year baby, (my first grand child) coming to visit at weekend and saying to my son you could have been 5 years sober too by now is pointless. I’ll lead by example by going to a meeting myself and hope he goes to another himself. No one does it on their own but only themselves can they do it.

      You say above in your opinion leave them it don’t get better but I’d say to you it’s not that simple.. alcohol and drugs both have craving and both affect job and life even though we choose not to admit it. Breaking free from one addiction while holding on to another or fooling yourself about toxic relationships are hampered by fear of some sort, being one one’s own for example. Over the years I’ve lost elder and now younger family to addiction. But every chance I get I’ve accompanied many young adults into the rooms of AA or Al anon, turning point because talking and just listening to others gives another perspective. I don’t know how sometimes someone says something that just clicks and I then think “why didn’t I thing of that or sh*t I knew that”. You want to go back to drink without the coke craving!!! I want mine to go onto just coke without the alcohol cravings. (Coke no Barcardi)..

      Maybe wrong forum and I apologise for signing up today just to respond and my ramblings but I honestly believe attending any AA, open AA al anon can be life changing if one opens up and is of an open mind. God or ones higher power answers in very unlikely places. Being sad and driven to addiction is an experience gained which leads to a happier life, daily I drive away from confrontation, shouting , anger, despair at the gas price etc. 12step guide comes in handy DAILY. The hope of helping someone because someone helped me not knowing how; ,,,,, have a good day…… one day at a time

    • #30530

      Tracie I’m a recovering cocaine addict. Been clean for 5 1/2 months now, no booze no coke.

      In my humble opinion you could well stop coke and just carry on drinking but I bet by the 5th / 10th / 15th time of drinking you’ll be on the blower to get some gear in.

      If you retrace the steps back regarding coke, it would’ve started with you just drinking. Eventually you’ll cave.

      What’s required is a complete reboot of your mind. Trust me, I’m not saying it’s easy by any stretch of the imagination but my motto very much now is create the life you want to live as opposed to holding onto the one you are imprisoned in.

      I was imprisoned in mine for years, get on it at the weekends, comedowns during the week and off we go again. Any event in my diary had coke and booze attached to it and I’d have to make sure that the following few days didn’t have anything too tasking within them.

      All depends how badly you want it, write down what your perfect life looks like. Dream, dream big and drugs and drink shouldn’t have anything to do with these big dreams

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