I’m at my wits end

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    • #6996

      My partner I’ve been with for 17 years is an addict. He has had a range of addictions for a very long time but his behaviour and his way of thinking is just driving me crazy. He is addicted to prescription drugs at the moment and it is just completely changing him and I’m finding him unbearable to be around or talk to. We have 3 children 17, 12, 9 the younger two children are not really aware of what’s happening but my eldest son is. He experiences the difficult behaviour and gets the brunt end of things sometimes. My partner just doesn’t see the damage he is causing when he behaves the way he does. I just don’t know what to do I’m at my wits end with him now. He’s been accepted into rehab and we’re just waiting on when he can go now. I’m just concerned about the damage he’s causing to our relationship and his sons and how were going to repair what’s been done already. We just do not see eye to eye on most things anymore. He gets mad when I stick up for my eldest son if they have a disagreement nd I don’t agree with him on how he’s handled it. But I will stick up for my son if i feel someone Is being unfair always. But it’s not seen in that way. I feel like I’m hitting my head against a wall at the moment and I’m really struggling to deal with the situation.

      Sorry to ramble on. This is my 1st post and I just wondered if anyone has advice or is in a similar situation.


    • #24932

      Thank you for posting. I’m sorry that you are having such a bad time due to your husbands’s addiction and the friction it is causing in your family. That must be so hard for you and it’s not surprising that you are struggling with it.

      I am glad that your husband will be going into rehab but may be you would like some support for yourself. If so please contact us at Icarus Trust if you would like some one to talk to that would understand what you are going through, as we are a charity that offers support to people dealing with addiction in their family. One of our Family Friends who are specially trained and experienced would talk with you if you get in touch and may be that would help you.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      Good luck.

    • #24965

      Thank you for your response. I will get in contact with icarstrust now.

    • #25112

      Hi Lulu,

      do you know what prescription drugs he is taking?

      I have recently been addicted to Codeine and I am now 8 days clean after being 5 years to the slave of prescription drugs and I feel like a different person. These drugs really make you emotionless, a emotionally detached. Have you sat down with your husband and explained how much it is hurting you? and the children?

      if I can help with anything, I will try my best

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