I’m broken and don’t know how to get out

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    • #6563

      Hi all

      Just looking for some advice

      My partner 1 and a half years ago went to rehab for cocaine and alcohol addiction.

      He never gave up alcohol for long and I don’t know about the drugs

      Last week he txt me to say he had gone drink driving and had crashed the car initially it was he had just hit a kerb, then it was maybe a bollard I still don’t know the truth but I think the car is a right off.

      I asked him where he was he said just going to the shop apparently but he was at least 20 mins from home

      Obviously I was angry at him

      But as usual he turned it around and said that I shouldn’t be angry nothing happened and my drinking is just as bad ( just to put into perspective I got drunk twice last year one was my works leaving do and one was Christmas drinks I don’t think the two compare!!)

      Anyway I obviously remained annoyed

      This weekend was my birthday I still wasn’t happy I went to work and the plan was for me to go to his after he said he would pick me up

      Anyway he told me I had a off tone and i shouldn’t have. I should get over what he said it was a mistake.

      I said I can’t it’s not that easy I’ve seen people killed through drink driving

      Then he turned and screamed at me down the phone that he was going to get on it(I thought the drugs had stopped) I was ungrateful, he would never do anything for me again the list continued

      I’m a nurse at work and he is screaming at me on my birthday

      He then told me he wouldn’t pick me up. And I need to travel 2 hrs to his on the train

      I said I’m not doing that after a13 hrs shift to get to his for 11 pm then the abuse began again in txt form all afternoon

      Causing me to get a migraine I ended leaving work early as I felt so unwell

      The txt abuse still continued I apparently needed to pay him for the cake he brought that he tossed in the bin

      This continued to 8 pm At night this was suppose to be my birthday he even said I bet you will say I ruined it.

      Am I being stupid is this me?!? Is this my fault?

      He still thinks to this day he has done nothing wrong and said we can move on

      I can’t I really can’t

      I was suppose to move in with him the end of this month I can’t think of anything worse

      I don’t know if he is doing drugs but I can’t deal with his abuse

      Please any advice would be great

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