I’m lost

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    • #7552

      Hi I’m new to this I used to text Samaritans but it doesn’t seem to be working anymore , I have no one to talk to , my partner is an alchoholic , so far he has lost me all my family including my grandchildren , lost all my friends I have no life I go to work then come home and watch him drink and then when he’s plastered he will pick an argument and is also violent , I can hear all of you saying leave him kick him out I can’t I’m in a no win situation I’m in thousands of pounds of debt where I took out loans to pay for his habit and without his income I can’t pay my bills , he has cheated on me several times and is constantly messaging other women on fb , for a while when I used to catch him he would be apologetic but now he never apologies for anything he does proberly because I have let him get away with it so many times , I lost my dad three years ago and it has hit me extremely bad I didn’t have chance to grieve because of all the problems he was causing now I just don’t know what to do all I feel every day is that I want to be with my dad I have no life

    • #29510

      Hi whitelightening, I didn’t want to pass your post without replying. Very sorry for your loss of your dad, you deserve the chance to grieve properly xx There are lots of people here in a similar situation and Adfam could point you in the right direction of where you could get some proper support if you haven’t already or Icarus Trust I think also. My mum was in your situation and stuck it out for similar reasons for many years – don’t let him drag you down, stay strong and I really hope you find some support on here xxx

    • #29524

      Thankyou so much @Fayzay

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