I’m new to this!!!

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    • #6340

      Hi I’m grateful for advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation to myself.

      I met my ex(recent) just over a year ago and not having dated for a while I was blown away by the mutual attraction we had for each other. I’m 49 he’s 48. We started seeing each other regularly him staying at mine.We got along so well. Some regulars at our local did tell me they thought I was too good for him!!!

      I didn’t know him previously or anything about him!

      He told me about his bankruptcy from a business he had and how he wasn’t speaking to his family over financial issues. He was living with a friend as his mother had asked him leave. It has now become apparent to me however that he has a past with drugs and is still using!!! He also drinks regularly

      Having recently got some money from a family settlement he went back to using drugs more frequently again and wasted hundreds/thousands on coke while we were on a break over his lack of commitment to our relationship .He seemed to enjoy having me but also keen on his regular pub visits with his mates

      I had no idea his drug issue was as bad or I would never have got back after our break. It all makes sense now!!! His money issues, his family breakdown, his past relationships failing, the need to be with his mates!!!! He is more honest with me now but doesn’t admit he has a problem as only uses coke 3 times a day when he has money!!! As he is now in a regular job he has more money again. I broke up with him again a few weeks ago as he kept breaking off dates and I just felt I deserved better!!! I’ve told him he needs to sort himself out as he is now going through periods of depression which I think is down to his drug use!

      Reading this forum has helped me be more clear about regular coke use and the impact on partners. I feel as he doesn’t admit he has a problem, continues to use and claims it’s just a phase there is no point trying to talk to him about our relationship. He blames everything on his bankruptcy and would be happy to see me and continue his lifestyle but I believe I deserve someone who treats me better and is not in it half heartedly. It is difficult to process tho and I feel devastated heartbroken and disappointed. I’d like to remain friends as a support to him as I am a good person but don’t know if this wouldn’t be good fr either of us????

    • #20219

      Heartbroken and finding it difficult to move on


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