I’m ready to give up

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    • #4055

      My daughter is hooked on marijuana and pills for six yrs now. I have had to take our her eldest expenses sin 2010, she just started college. My daughter has two other children 13 and 8 yrs of age. These children don’t know what it is to live a normal life except for the time they spend with me or their father. I want to take these kids away from her but feel this will just take her to the streets but on the otherhand my grandchildren come first. So confused because she is my only daughter. She doesn’t think I know what going on. This hurts so bad.

    • #7905

      It is so hard to know what to do for the best. Do you think it may give her a wake up call if you told her you knew what was going on?

    • #7933

      i am not used to this forum, but i went had it with my brother and yet now my son is a cannabis addict ,i am a single working mom yet he has stole thousands , from my house, i have have been in despair and cried so much ,i feel like its my fault , my one child is disabled and they told me they would take my kids away ! honestly we feel the brunt ,but if u want just to voice off ring me my whole family had such a hard time and my mother had a stroke thru the stress and and 3 strokes but if u want to talk ring me and i will def ring you back, people look down on children with addictions i dont ever blame myself but guilt is hard ,my phone number just e mail me on def stupid email but i will ring you . i am in the same boat as you and its so hard but i honestly understand . hope to hear from you soon and all the best

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