I’m so done

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    • #7649

      I’ve had it with this life.. I’m tired of making the same mistake over and over, I have no way out of this mess I’ve made, I’m so effin stupid I can’t even stand myself anymore I wish this would just end

    • #30634

      Pandabear – there is always a way out my friend, first step is to talk to someone, reach out, make that your initial goal!

      We all make mistakes, by heck I’ve made plenty. I also couldn’t stand myself and knew my time had come, I needed to change for once and for all. There was a whole life out there waiting for me and I just didn’t know it.

      Please, for humanities sake talk. Maybe only a little or a lot, you’ll see the love we all have to offer another in need

    • #30635

      Everyone on this site has been in your shoes at some point and many are still battling. Please speak to someone, a friend or family member. My son has struggled for six years with cocaine but I still love him and would never give up on him. Your life will get better if you ask for help. That evil drug will mess with your head and you won’t think straight. Talk to someone.

    • #30637

      I’ve been in a similar frame of mind of helplessness and hopelessness, self loathing and completely “lost”. Hard as it seemed at times in my dark mind often a simple thought came to mind, I’m better than this, I will get through this, I don’t know how but I will. Blind faith in something. You ain’t effin stupid, you managed to post on here & I’m the third person to wish you well. I know from my personal experience when I tried to be strong and fix it myself, I made the same mistakes again and again because I had tunnel vision. Reaching out for help was hard for me but surprisingly just chatting with a neighbour on the street began putting my problems in another perspective. Everyone is messed up in some way or another but I have found complete strangers in “meetings” say something that hit the nail on the head and I’m off with a different thought.. take it easy, small steps, and share hope, faith & courage. Physical meetings or forums it’s an awakening to think someone cares or gives a dam. Wishing you well.

    • #30663

      I am sorry to hear you are going through this.

      There is an excellent charity that I know can support you, they provide free treatment for addicts struggling with addiction issues. To read more about them and receive the help please see link https://adaptoxford.org.uk/about/

      you can fill in the referral form on their website.

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