Is it possible to stop?

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    • #6419

      Hi. This is my first post and I have an alcohol problem, So far I’ve mainly read posts from those with alcoholic partners and from reading them I am finally coming to realise what I’ve been putting my husband through. I had a stressful job that I ended up hating. My drinking started several years ago and got progressively worse. It started on wine and then turned to vodka when I realised it was easier to hide and I wouldn’t need to drink in such a large volume. My husband has often found bottles of vodka (I’d buy and bottle and then decant into a water bottle) either under the bed, under the duvet or in my bag or coat pocket. I’ve been trying to taper down and have also just ordered some medication online for alcohol cravings. Not sue if it’s going to work but I’m hoping for the best. I was attending AA meetings but only got the impression that it was okay to relapse. I then switched to the Forward Trust but the meeting stopped and getting hold of the key worker was almost impossible. They eventually took me off their list. I’ve been tapering down now since 19th November due to the amount I had been consuming. I can stop for 6-8 weeks but then relapse. I did 5 days without a drink about three weeks ago but suffered side effects, sweats, shaking and insomnia. I’m drinking one glass every four days at the moment and want to reduce that to one glass every five days within a week. I’ve been hiding my tapering down from my husband as he really doesn’t believe in it and I can completely understand that. He found an empty vodka bottle in my bag the other day and we haven’t spoken since. I intend to talk to him at the weekend and explain what I’ve been doing. Whether or not he believes me is another matter. I’m praying the tablets work as I really need help. Any support or advice you can give me would be really appreciated.

    • #20832

      Hi YorkieMum,

      It’s truly something to be proud of that you’re trying to get help. Talking to your husband is the best idea, honesty is extremely important. I am in my 20s and as a child of an alcoholic the lying is the most painful aspect.

      As for AA and help, I always found AA’s manifest to be unhelpful and a bit patronising. Speaking to your GP is always a really good option, there are lots of treatment options for people who want to get better. Even if you don’t feel that you are an ‘alcoholic’ opening up lines of communication with your loved ones and professionals is the best step to take,

      I wish you all the best x

    • #20839

      Hi YorkieMum, first of all well done you for admitting it’s a problem, seeking help and trying to beat your demons. That’s a gigantic step on its own. My husband is a cocaine addict and still can’t accept that it’s a problem, I feel that’s our biggest step to get past. I think if you speak to your husband I would hope you’ll be surprised that he’ll be proud you’re admitting it’s an issue and trying. Yes you absolutely can beat it but you need help and support to get you there x

    • #20852


      I’m sorry to hear of your problems with alcohol. You may like to contact us at The Icarus Trust as we are a charity that supports families going through the impact of addiction. If you get in touch we would let you know what help is available for both you and you husband.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

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