is my partner an addict or is it a choice?

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    • #6677

      My partner uses cocaine, he has since we met although at the time i didn’t know. The hardest part is he lies about it and makes up a whole story as to why he’s late home or cant eat etc which brings lack of trust into the relationship too.

      he claims he don’t want to do it and he is in a custody battle at the moment for his children which i know is difficult… he also stopped using cocaine for 3 months to pass a hair strand test for the custody case, in which he did pass, but now he is using again although he says not regular and i know he can go at a week at a time without it.. so my question is do anyone know if this is addiction or choice, if there is a difference? when i ask why he does it, his answer is i don’t know? is this normal to not know.. i’m just so confused, i try to understand but having never taken it myself i have no idea how it makes you feel? thanks in advance for any help….

    • #22602


      Thank you for posting. I work for a charity called Icarus Trust that offers support to people like yourself dealing with addiction in their family. if you get in touch one of our trained and experienced Family Friends would listen and try to answer some of your questions. Maybe this would help you to know what to do next and they would let you know what other help is available to you and possibly for your partner.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      I hope this helps.

      Good luck.

      • #22603

        thank you, i will be sure to take a look now.

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