Is the next step the police

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    • #7265

      I’ve just wasted all my savings on a rehab for my daughter.

      What can I do now?

      She walked out

      And I’m feeling like I can’t go on

      The abuse for money will start again and I can’t cope

      I’ve got no energy left

    • #27249

      Hi Lorry321,

      So sorry you are going through this.

      How long was your Daughter in Rehab for?

      My Son has been twice, and yes he has relapsed but has got all the tools from being in Rehab to hopefully get back on track.

      Do not give her money, this is the worst thing they do to us. I actually say No now and I stand my ground, he doesn’t like it and still goes on, but try and be strong. If you need to then I would ring the Police especially if you are in danger from your daughter.

      Please keep in touch on here.

      Take care.


    • #27251

      Thanks so much for the replies, it really helps to think there is someone out there.

      My daughter did 11 days in rehab and last week wanted to stay extra, things were going well, the plan was set, then they messed up her prescription and seem to have bullied her out saying she is a troublemaker and not welcome to stay. Is this normal after taking more money off me for her to stay longer and 2 days later telling me she has been trouble from the start?

      • #27252

        Hi Lorry321,

        Have you spoke to the people in the Rehab? Or is this what your Daughter has told you? I only ask because you know what lies they tell, sorry if this is not the case.

        My experience of my Son being in Rehab was all good and they were really helpful to both of us and still to this day (2 years later), they still help if I ring them.

        As I know they are very expensive places, so really you should be getting some of your money back.

        Take care.


        • #27278

          Hi D

          Thanks for replying.

          I did speak to them and all seems true. Man I spoke to had a negative attitude towards my daughter but other staff all kinder.

          I’m waiting for Manager to ring me next week.

          Are you able to say which rehab your son was at?

          No problem if not.

          This forum might not be the appropriate place.

          Thankyou for listening x

    • #27258


      So sorry to read your post and to hear about your daughter’s rehab experience. I hope that you can get some info from them. If you would like some support for yourself please contact us at Icarus Trust as we are a charity that offers support to people going through dealing with addiction in their family. We have trained and experienced Family Friends who would talk with you if you get in touch and would tell you what other support we offer.

      You can reach us on

      All the best.

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