It never ends!

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    • #7131

      My husband has had drink issues for years. He can literally just stop for a year or two and then one day for no reason it all starts again.

      Last time was particularly bad, he drank a bottle of vodka and told our daughter (18 yrs old) he had taken pills. An ambulance was called. He was embarrassed and literally stopped the next day. He did so well making changes in his life! And then a week before we went on holiday he starred again! My heart sank! I just knew! He did the usual denials, name calling and blaming me.

      Ruined the holiday and he just continued to buy and hide drink, is his usual verbally abusive self.

      He stopped for a week and then today he is drunk! Is being his usual lying self!

      My life if defined by somebody else’s moods…..

      It never seems to stop

    • #25877


      I completely understand you my boyfriend was the same and it was hell.

      I talked with him a lot and eventually convinced him to go to rehab.

      He is there now since 2 weeks and still 3 to go.

      I can’t see him cause of covid but he seems to be working on himself a lot and realising lots of things. Maybe it could help your husband too.

      Good luck

    • #25879

      Unfortunately he point blank refuses any professional help. “He can do it on his own” but of course he can’t!

      Last time I suggested professional help he attacked me! (Literally)

      When he isn’t drinking he is amazing!

      When he drinks we all dread it.

    • #26080


      So sorry to read how your husband’s drinking is making life so difficult for you and your family.

      Maybe you would like to talk to some one who would understand what you are dealing with. If so please contact us at Icarus Trust as we are a charity that provides support for people dealing with addiction in their family. One of our trained and experienced family Friends would talk with you which you might find helpful.

      I’m concerned that you have been attacked, so for information and advice you can always phone the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247. This line is free and confidential and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best to you.

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