I’ve been told to walk away

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    • #5044

      I’ve had years of stress and worry of my sons drug addiction. He is now on Heroin. I’ve been advised today by my counsellor to let my son go as its making me so ill and nothing I do or have done in the past has changed anything. How do I turn my back on my own son?? I’m so worried about him but have to find a way of coping. It’s heartbreaking ????

    • #11178

      Has he sort any help? Would he really be on his own or is there a way of you disengaging while someone else was still in his life?

      The sad fact is that if you go down, so to speak you’ll be no good to him anyway!

      It’s tough love and it works but you have to be able to cope with it as well as it’s not just tough love for the addict it’s the way for all those around him too.

      My friend was in your position and she ended up taking her son away for 2 weeks in a caravan where he had no access to any drugs, just the occasional drink to help his through the withdrawals it doesn’t work for anyone and isn’t possible for a lot but sometimes extreme behaviours get extreme results?

    • #11200

      As nothing you have done in the past has changed anything, do you think if you concentrate on getting yourself well, you will be strong enough to support your son when he decides to accept help and come off the heroin. You are not then turning your back on him, you are recharging yourself for when that day comes. It is heartbreaking to be advised to let your son go but this way you will be ready and fit for action without feeling you have abandoned him.

    • #11201

      Thank you for your help. I wrote him a letter today… Explaining how I feel and that I can’t carry the hurt and worry that him addiction has brought to my life. I need to get strong to hopefully enjoy the mother/son relationship I’ve always longed for.

      • #11202

        I hope you feel better with writing that letter and putting down on paper your feelings. At least it has shown him that you are not giving up on him and you will be there for him when he is ready. I hope that mother/son relationship you long for is what will motivate you to get yourself well and that will make you stronger.

    • #11203

      Thank you x

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