Just don’t understand

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    • #6169

      I just don’t understand why my husband has to drink everyday. Even though he was in an accident due to the drinking he still is doing it. Not being able to work due to that since July 20, everything has been put on me. The lies are getting worse with him. I come home from working all day or all evening to a man high and then has to listen to him put me down or my family down until bed. I’m just so tired emotionally.

    • #19151

      Hi your post took me back 8 years when my husband was drinking heavily and came out of rehab and relapsed. That was 8 long years ago, and 6 wks ago he died from decompensated alcoholic liver disease. I am heart broken he was only 54. What a waste. If I knew 8 yrs ago what was ahead of us I would have left. It is a terrible, terrible disease and I pray for you and your hubby that he finds sobriety and you have the strength to cope.

    • #19154

      So sorry to hear that he passed. I am trying to hang on until he is cleared from dr. He was served with a dwi warrant and now has to go to court for that. I am not going with him. He wants to go visit his home place in Morocco and I’m praying he gets to do that soon. I’m planning on once he’s gone to file for divorce. I waited until I was 44 yrs old to have my first marriage and it’s been horrible since.

    • #19157

      I hope he does too if that is going to help him. I can imagine how you feel waiting for a marriage and then it ends like this. Your husband has to reach his rock bottom, if he has one, before any recovery can be successfully made by him. It will take you a long time to repair yourself. I’m totally broken and have a lot of work ahead of me. You are much stronger than me, I could never leave my husband as my vows to God prevented me. Good times and bad, sickness and in health and all that. If only I were stronger, I wonder, would he be alive today? I wish you the very best in the future.

    • #19162

      I have prayed and prayed over this. I truly feel that god will forgive me for not staying in my marriage. It’s only been 4 years and I have been there when he lost his job and I provided. I have been there when he was verbally and emotionally and at times physical abusive and I stayed by his side. I have now been there with the bad accident that left his forehead detached from his scalp and a piece of glass that was inches away from his main artery in his neck and him repeatedly saying I’m done drinking to only come home and start again. No job at this time since he’s still under dr care for his hand injury that has resulted in two surgeries and I’m still here. I might not now be emotionally here within my heart but I’m still here. He has destroyed my heart my daughters heart and my mom whom we all live together. I don’t deserve this. By no means I’m imperfect but I’m a good woman who just wanted someone to love me not destroy me. I know this is the only way out. And I continue to pray for this to be the right thing. I am in counseling now as well. I’ve had to go on more meds to help with my nerves and anxiety. I have a very important job that requires my full attention at all times and it’s truly been hard to stay on top and not let my personal life affect it. I pray for him and I hope he will get his life together when he gets to go home to Morocco but I truly doubt it.

    • #19283

      I am in a very similar situation. I can usually tell how much drink / medication partner has taken by the way he treats me. The dishonesty and hurtful words are just too much to bear sometimes. I hope things work out for you, I will keep you in my thoughts.

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