Just help

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    • #7092

      My son is a alcoholic he’s 28, started in lockdown though he already drank a fair bit. Over the years he’s lost all his mates, girlfriend, job, license due to his drinking and risky behaviour. I’m living a nightmare and have no idea how to help him. Anyone else out there living like this?

    • #25653


      Thank you for posting. I’m sorry that your son’s drinking is having such an impact on you. If you would like some help for yourself please contact us at Icarus Trust as we are a charity that supports people having to deal with addiction in their family. We have trained and experienced Family Friends who would talk with you and may be that would help you to move forward.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      Good luck.

      • #25668

        I’m just exhausted. He was stealing from us this weekend. He’s post drinking session now and just stays in bed till he feels better then he starts the cycle again.

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