Just lost it with my son! Help me someone please

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    • #6556

      I’ve done everything right – not shaming, stressing or enabling. But tonight I just lost it when I realised he had brought ketamine home. Usual signs – trips to the loo and bunged up nose. He seems to take one step forward and 20 steps back. I’m a single parent – just sold the house, been furloughed struggling with depression and I couldnt take anymore – just stood in the kitchen screaming at him. I feel like months of trying to do the right thing have all been blown away and we are back to square one. Don’t think I can take much more…

    • #21494

      Hi Georgie, welcome to the forum.

      I’m glad you reached out to this forum. So many of us here who have loved ones with addictions, or people in recovery giving advice. Some are trying fight their addiction and seek support.

      The adfam homepage offer advice and support also the Icarus trust posts here too .

      Read the other threads, particularly the Theresa thread (click onto share your story). There are several of us mums sharing stories, and offering advice and support for our sons. Even if you just need to vent to someone who will understand. It’s difficult when you can’t talk to friends or families about addiction and how it’s affecting your family.

      Please look after yourself, its hard to try to help someone who’s not yet ready to be helped. Until that day, take care of yourself and stay strong.

      My son is 28, has alcohol and cocaine addictions, put us through hell for about 10yrs. He is nearly5 months clean thankfully, He got support from AA, CA and Narcotics Anonymous . I want you to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

      Take care


    • #21503

      Thank you Lindlyloo – I’m really struggling at the moment. My depression is taking over so I’m finding it really difficult to hold back my feelings – and then I worry that I’m triggering his addiction. I can’t speak to anyone about this. I’m in a really dark black hole, my husband died suddenly when he was 5yrs old so we both suffer from PTSD. I literally have no one to share this with. I just can’t see any light, I’ve lost all trust and we used to be so close, he lies constantly to me and his friends.

      I can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel – just more pain and struggle.

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