Just need advice where to start I guess

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    • #6294

      Hey, so I have a pretty bad addiction/dependence on alcohol and cocaine (the alcohol leads to the coke). I’m aware how bad it is for me just, don’t really know where to start or who to go to to help me with getting over it. I’m typing this in the early hours of the morning currently drunk and high and regretting how bad this is going to feel at work tomorrow. Would appreciate so much any advice anyone can give me on how to deal with this x

    • #19756

      hi lovely ime on the other side ime with a addict and well done for asking for help please if i can give you any advice do what you need to do doctor help lines anything because the people that love you will be dieing inside youve made the first step its going to be hard but not as hard as seeing youre loved ones crumble xx

    • #19796

      Get help now. There is no shame in addiction and there are plenty of avenues to explore. Look at “turning point” they are a great place to start.

      Like Kellie, I am on the other side of this and am devastated by the way alcohol and coke have changed him and continue to be more important than me or his children.

      Do it for you and do it for anyone who loves you. Good luck and well done. My partner still can’t see there is a problem. You are so much if the way there already. See it through x

    • #19872

      Hey guys, thanks for the replies and the support. I guess my problem is that I only get to this point of realisation that I’ve fucked up and that I really need help once it’s too late. Once I’ve give in to the temptation and I’m up late regretting my decisions and actions. I just don’t know how to stop myself when I’m feeling down (but still sober) from saying “one drink won’t hurt”, “one sniff will be ok”. And before I know it it’s the early hours of the next morning and I’m still up regretting my decisions and my life as a whole. Wishing I didn’t need to do the things I’ve done?

    • #19873

      Who exactly do I get help from?

      • #19915

        Google “help with addiction”. Honestly there are resources if you’re ready to take that step. “Turning point” are good.

        Personally, I’d perhaps go to my doctor because depending on the level of your dependence on the substance you may want a bit of professional support when you stop.

        I’m still in pieces because alcohol and drugs stole the person I loved more than anything else. Get the help you need and the life you and those who love you deserve.

      • #19916

        Ps. Addiction loves secrecy and lies.

        If you can, come clean to people close to you. It will get you support and make you less likely to sneak around taking drugs.

        • #19992

          Thanks so much for your replies guys. One of my biggest issues that I can see is that…. Not sure how to explain this properly. It’s only when I’m up late and high (again!) That I’m open enough to talk about the problem. The next day when I’m nice and sober again, I’m an incredibly closed off person that, not only doesn’t feel comfortable (and probably down right embarrassed) burdening other people with my problems, but I always convince myself that, it won’t happen again. I’ve got control of it now! I really do believe that I have to deal with this alone. And I realize how stupid it sounds that, if I can see this clearly then I should be able to get over it and do what needs to be done. But it’s just not the same when I’m sober. I’m a completely different person. I’m even embarrassed to talk to my doctor. I’ll save the links and suggestions you’ve given me though in the hopes that ‘sober me’ will actually make use of them. Thanks again so much for your replies x

    • #19993

      I’ve just reread what you guys have said and can see that you’ve actually already answered a lot of what I’m saying. I just really need to find a way to convince ‘sober me’ to deal with this properly and honestly.

    • #20362

      How are you doing?

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