Lapsed again after 4 week.

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    • #5207

      Soo.. bank holiday sunday comes and i decided to go out. Big mistake and i new it was, and i got some coke. I feel absolutely gutted again. I feel really down from it now. Why do i do this.. back to basics again.

    • #12187

      You know these bank holidays can cause havoc just the same as parties and any other celebrations. Come on Dan, we know you will feel gutted but we can learn from this. You do so well and give support to so many off us.

    • #12188

      Thanks hox. I new when i decided to go out it was a bad decision. Feel gutted now tho

    • #12189

      Hi Danman, so you have been here before. Just do what you do to pick yourself up and get back on track. Each time it’s just a one off and it makes you feel s–t. Again don’t get too down on yourself. Turn it around and as you said get back to basics again. Think of that holiday to Turkey and keep focussed. How long is it off now?

      Just to throw you a positive I have seen my son a couple of times now and had some hugs. Not seeing or speaking to him as often as I would like but it’s a massive improvement. Your advice has helped me hang in there and your advice helps so many others on this forum. You make sure you keep talking to your mum too. There is another bank holiday in May coming up – is there any way that you could prepare yourself so you avoid another relapse?

    • #12191

      Its 2 month today till turkey.. so thats my target nowt.. 2 month without it.. i said to my gf? Can we not go out now for the rest of the year, and if we do.. just do it with the kids and shes happy with that.

      I still feel like crap.

      And thats great news with your son. Im happy for you.

      And the next bank holiday ill just be doing something with the kids. I cant cope with these hangovers and how i feel the next week. Thanks for being supportive it means alot.

      • #12197

        I think that’s the right way to go, outings with the kids and gf only and no alcohol of course.

        Have you thought about hypnotism?

        I was hypnotised to not like the taste of chocolate. It worked but only on Cadbury’s chocolate as that was the type that I was focusing on at the time. This was about two years ago and I still can’t bring myself to eat it.

    • #12200

      I tried it 2 years ago… but the woman wanted to do cognetive therapy with me instead.. basically it was 10 sessions for 40quid.. she just didnt want to do it? And wanted my money i think.

      But i was thinking the other day about it. Im going to try again i think.

      • #12223

        It’s worth a try Dan. It worked on me.

    • #12201

      40 quid.. each session i was ment to say.

    • #12229

      I will do after my hol.. i need to.

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