Letting go

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    • #7338

      Hi, this is the first time on this forum,I’m reaching out because I recently made the very difficult decision to move on from a relationship,my friend who suffers with AUD. I feel incredibly guilty, sad and sometimes blame my self, we were together as a couple for 10 years, and friends for the last 6 years, I still love my friend. The alcohol abuse is killing my friend and it’s heartbreaking, it has affected my health,my job,my circle of friends,it seems there is nothing alcohol addition can’t destroy,I have told my friend why and I’ve now had no contact in just over a week after 16 years, I know I am doing the right thing most of the time but when I look back I sometimes blame myself for things I shouldn’t have done in the past,in the begining I thought I could help, after a two weekly binge I’d pick up the pieces,or tidy up his flat, get rid of empty bottles and cans ,etc etc,I did this for some time every two weeks, I really thought I was helping but I see now it’s enabling but for me it was a desperate need to help, I know I made mistakes but it got to the point where my anxiety and joyless existence was really having a severe impact on all parts of my life but I am letting go now. I miss my friend but I just pray he will make the decision to help himself and enjoy the rest of his life, thanks for reading this

    • #27594

      It isn’t your fault. And you need to claw some life back. X

    • #27691

      Thank you for sharing and you shouldn’t blame yourself for trying to support your friend. You have made a big and brave decision so if you would like some help for yourself we at the Icarus Trust would welcome your contact. We are a charity supporting people affected by a friend or family member’s addiction. If you would like to get in touch one of our trained and experienced Family Friends would talk with you if you think that would help you to move forward.

      You can get in touch on contact@icarustrust.org

      All the best.

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