Living with a alcoholic husband

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      I have lived with my husband for nearly 14 years, I have 4 children. one of them has severe learning difficulties and autism. one has learning difficulties. I have put up with his drinking, as it was manageable, but 7 years ago his drinking was getting worse. then my husband stopped working and became carer for my eldest son. at the beginning of last year he started drinking from morning until he fell asleep at night. we had to tip toe around him and make sure he had drink when he needed it. it all came to a head when he begged my sister to come over while I was at work. He said he couldn’t cope any more and was going to do something about it. she managed to get to our house and talk him out of it. I made him go to the doctors and ask what help was available and she said there was a place near by to help with his problem. so we went straight away to the drop in. the place as been helping me (counselling) and him. but he is not been truthful of what he is really drinking! we are not in the same meeting because one is for him and a different one is for me. he hides his drinks and empty cans and bottles all over. my children have got a group to start next month to help them talk about it too. how do I keep all the family together? and support them all? and work at the same time.

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