Looking for advice about 17 year old son and his drug use

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    • #5994

      My 17 ( 18 in a few weeks) son has been using cannabis. He says it helps with his low moods. He is currently using more and more and today I found him using diazepam

      He is really struggling with his mental health but refusing any help. I have already taken him to GP who referred to CAMHs and we used a private drugs counsellor

      My son just knows what to say and he is discharged with us being told there is nothing to worry about

      Today he is very dozy due to the diazepam but is very low and says he doesn’t want to change. He became violent when I said I was taking the diazepam away from him

      Don’t know where to turn or what to do

      We can’t carry on like this l don’t want to kick him out but don’t know how to help him

      Many thanks for reading

    • #17738

      Hi Lou

      What is he smoking exactly? And also what dosage of Diaz is he on

      Just trying to work a few things out in my head before I reply fully

      Thank you for posting

    • #17748


      Thanks for your reply

      He smokes cannabis either in joints or uses a pipe or bong. He is also using edibles

      I found the diazepam box and they are 10mg. He said he only takes 2 at a time but he has a box of 28 and half have been used. I have taken them away from him. Unsure how often he takes them as he never seems to be honest any more

    • #17749

      Thanks Lou.

      Firstly sorry you are having this worry, it takes guts to reach out.

      Ok so cannabis affects people on different ways. With CBD on the market now it’s all the rage and there is a great deal of misinformation between the both.

      CBD doesn’t have any of the psychoactive substance in it, or at least enough to make you stoned per se. Cannabis obviously does. Lots of people say it’s harmless – what I know is that some people actually end up really damaged by it, everyone is different.

      Was the Diaz prescribed or bought elsewhere?

      Benzos are a different ball game, they are highly addictive and very difficult to come off (trust me I know). They work quickly and will alleviate anxiety and depression but soon you have to take more to get the effect.

      I don’t know if mixing them is dangerous – its safe to say it’s never a good idea and not forgetting that if you don’t treat the mental health side, it’s possible more substances will be sought out and it could be a slippery slope from there.

      I guess the key here is mental health. Low mood, depression or anxiety are all things that a GP should be aware of if not already.

      Cannabis and Benzos are a quick fix – so easy to see why they are an option, believe me I know, but long term you are storing up a world of hurt and in some cases they can make the thing you are trying to escape from ten times worse.

      Anyway enough of the problem let’s focus on what could help right now today

      Definitely speak to GP and get some help.

      The GP can also refer counselling etc, talking is hard but really helps long term

      Diet is also key. Nutrition is very unspoken about in cases where there is low mood, depression or anxiety. Google foods to help with this you would be surprised

      Excercise. Last thing you want to do when you feel down but very effective

      If you think he may be an addict, of heading that way you could also have him sit in on some NA meetings online. Lots of people start with things that don’t seem serious but escalate, he may also find people similar to him which is also really helpful

      I meant to say the Gp can also help withental health issues – he may have a genuine chemical imbalance in the brain which is very common and easily treated with meds and a combination of the above

      • #17752

        Thanks for the reply

        He is buying the diazepam not saying where from

        The box looks like a genuine brand

        I will try and talk to him again today and see if he will come to the doctors with me as at present he is refusing to speak to anyone as he doesn’t feel there is anything wrong with his drug habit or the way he is acting and says it’s not worth it

        I will definitely look at the different foods to help moods as his eating has become terrible over the last few months goes with out eating for long periods of time then fills up on junk. So definitely worth trying to encourage him to eat better and more regularly

        I will have a look at different drug groups and just write them down and give to him he may look at them when he is on his own

        I will never give up trying to help him and being there to support him. It’s just that I feel I am running out of things to try if he is not willing to accept help

    • #17750

      Mixing any substances is dangerous.

      Cannabis has a direct affect on memory and emotion so undoubtedly it will affect a person’s mental health.

      Is your son getting diazepam illicitly? The reason I say this is because there are alot of dealers selling a version of this drug.

      “Criminal gangs are selling fake Valium online at a fraction of the cost of genuine tablets, leading people to take potentially lethal doses of illicitly-produced drugs, according to a leading addiction treatment service”.

      Tricky if he doesn’t want to stop, however if he agrees to chat with a drugs worker things might change.

      Best of luck

    • #17753

      Thanks Lou

      No bother

      Ok as Kel pointed out the diazepam is something to watch out for.

      The market is flooded with high quality looking fakes. They look the part in foil, boxes, sealed etc the reality is you don’t know what they are cut with. It’s the same with Painkillers too. Slot of the time it’s cut with fentanyl or other dangerous stuff which knocks you for six. The problem is you have no idea what or how much you are taking. I’m glad you took it off him

      It’s so easy to get hold of this stuff on the web

    • #17754

      You’re right BT1978 it is so easy to obtain anything these days (dark web).

      You wouldn’t really know if something is genuine unless you’re a pharmaceutical (medically trained) so again be careful, these people are skilled at what they do and that’s why they “copy” drugs to look exactly how the genuine ones look.

      I’m pleased you’re supportive of your son, but look after yourself also.

      Keep talking and accessing support for you also.

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