Loosing my husband

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    • #4241

      I am desperately looking for advise of where to find support for myself. My husband for many years has since a young age been addicted to cannabis. He then moved onto Illegal highs. This has been a living hell for both of us. He has become a totally changed man, now very aggressive verbally and mentally a lot of the time. Like a time bomb waiting to go off. I’ve totally isolated myself and our children but have now reached a stage that I can no longer cope with my life and living this way. He is currently receiving support buts not enough and I need some. Pls someone direct where necessary

    • #8452

      contact families anon, they run support groups to support family members of abusers. Have you got family who can support you and the children? maybe take the children for a break for you and them. Use this site, we are all in the same boat one way or another……good luck xxx stay strong for your children, they are the innocent ones in all this.

    • #8460

      hi, i am in similar position, I got help a week ago and it has been the best thing I have done, because my husband has been on program, I rang his key-worker, i was crying on the phone, he met me and gave me details of people to get in touch with, you can just ring the place where your husband goes, explain situation and they will direct you, you need to save yourself, if you would like to talk, anytime x

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