Loosing my mind

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    • #5400

      I don’t know what to do or how to feel anymore I’ve used cocaine for 3 yrs now pretty much daily started off as just using at parties mostly to counter act being drunk. Then it turned into a weekly thing stopping to dry out once a week then I started working and became dependent on it to function and everything has now collapsed before me I don’t know who I am any more or how to function sober. I have so many fucked up things happening in my life right now I have no will to thrive….. please help me I don’t know if talking will help but hell its worth a try

    • #13664

      I struggled with herion addiction and ended up at rock bottom myself and the thing I can say is you can’t do it all at once! One little step at a time. Try seek help with your family or GP or if you have a local addictions centre. Don’t give up! Hold on to any hope you can, the smallest thing and just make one step! I hope you find what your looking for and just keep fighting! When you want to give up, don’t! Fight some more! We all have the strength to fight these battles. Good luck and I hope this helps.

    • #13677

      Hi rock bottom if you don’t mind can I ask how much you are taking and after how many days?

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