Losing hope..

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      This is the first time I’ve tried to seek support..I’ve no idea where to start/look, but maybe this is good to just tell someone who won’t judge me. My Dad is/has been an alcoholic for 20+ years. He’s lost everything, his house, his family (except me..), his license, everything. I put him into rehab in May last year, he did well while he was in there..I really thought it was what he needed, to realise that there is a life without alcohol, but no..it took him 5 days to hit the bottle again, he rang me, blind drunk and blamed it on the fact it was a ‘weekend.’ Still makes no sense to this day. I can’t cope with the phonecalls telling me that he wants to kill himself etc, I’m a mother myself, and I couldn’t imaging putting my son through what he’s putting me through – how can’t he see what he’s doing/how he’s affecting me? I have no-one to talk to about this, everyone just tells me I’m silly for being there for him and they tell me that I should know what he’s like by now..I do, I just can’t bring myself to let go and let him get on with it. I’m the only person he’s got in his life, the only one that gives him that little bit of support. I’m scared that if I walk away, he’ll do something stupid, and I’ll feel that it was my fault for walking away. I’m at my wits end with all of this now. He’s my dad, and I can’t bear to watch him ruin himself more than he already has. How do you know when enough’s enough and what’s the easiest way to let it all go?

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