Losing hope

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    • #7102

      Hi there…I don’t know what to do with my son. He’s 25 and an alcoholic/addict and lives with me. I’ve tried so many things…what has worked for anyone

    • #26289


      I’m sorry you are struggling with your sons alcohol addiction

      I only joined this site in October

      After many years dealing with my sons drink problems

      It’s so hard to cope with

      I’ve been enabling him and sorting his life out picking up the pieces all the time for him

      I’ve bailed him out with money covered for him with work

      Been there for his daughter when he hasn’t

      We had time where we haven’t spoken for weeks

      None of it has made any difference

      He split from his second wife last year and now I’m tapped into being with him

      After he started self harming

      He’s 49

      He has made himself ill with binge drinking now he has lots of medical issues

      You could try talking to your son about his health

      But the only person who can stop him is himself

      He’s young so hopefully other influences

      Will help

      I’m sick of hearing those words but I’m afraid they are true

      He may find himself a long way down the rabbit hole before he stops

      My advise is to be kind to yourself

      He’s is an adult

      My son has made me so unhappy

      But I won’t give up on him

      But it comes at a cost to my health my relationships my bank balance and my other son and his family

      Good luck

      I have found this site very helpful

      Joanie ???? x

    • #26433

      Hi, I’m new here too and just want to say I too am struggling with my adult child. She is an addict and over the past 10 years my life has suffered, emotionally, financially, I don’t get close to any new acquaintances or neighbours etc in case they judge me, I keep everyone at arms length, I’ve gone through thousands and thousands of pounds trying to help her in new directions with her life, courses for different jobs, rehabs, rent payments when she moved out but she’s back now.

      The person I become at times when I get angry and frustrated by her returning to her addiction, I don’t even recognise.

      I am trying to start this new year with good intentions for myself, to be calm and sensible in every encounter with her and to be determined not to accept any bad behaviour or treatment from her, but it is very hard.

      Take care of yourself, respect yourself, love yourself, you have tried so hard, you deserve some peace. X

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