Losing my family

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    • #6574

      I have been with my partner for 6 years . Recently my son , girlfriend and my 1 year old grandson moved in with us . My son discovered my partner was using cocaine in the house . After much upset I decided to support my partner which at the time was hard for my son to accept but he did support my decision and I said if it ever happened again my partner would have to leave . My son had his suspicions and bought some urine test kits and asked my partner to do . This was in January, but a couple of weeks before my partner told me he had messed up and done it again . I didn’t tell anyone . Then my son found out I knew and he has moved out and said he will never speak to me again and I will never see my Grandson . My other children agree with this and I’m losing my sons and grandchildren . My partner has changed so much and I know he has been clean now for around 6 weeks . It is breaking my heart the way all my boys have disowned me through me supporting my partner . Any advise would be much appreciated

    • #21660

      I feel very sad reading the horrible situation you are in facing losing your family for your partner. a horrible choice to make. I work for a charity called Icarus Trust. we offer support to people who are dealing with the impact of a family member’s addiction as we know this is so hard to cope with. If you get in touch one of our Family friends, our trained and experienced people would listen to you and talking with them might help you to find a way forward.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      All the best to you.

      • #21666

        Thank you I will be in touch

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