married to some one with a drink problem

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    • #4449

      I have been married for 5 years, my other half drinks every day, and has had health problems which alcohol worsens.
      We went away for a night at the weekend, the night out (areunion) was lovely, but my husband was totally mullered and couldnt walk straight when it was time to leave. On the journey home the next day he drank all day day and when we arrived back in our home town turned into Mr Hyde, he insisted on going to the pub where he proceeded to reduce me to tears and tell me that my two sons of 20 and 24 are so useless that he never wants to go home (he is their stepdad). He accused me of being soft unsupportive of him and said he couldnt decide whether he should leave me or not.
      When we finally arrived at our home he caused a huge scene with my youngest and threatened to kick him out when he answered back, (his crime was to not do the washing up his older brother was supposed to have done).
      I have told my husband i want him to stop drinking, as our marriage finances and my mental health are suffering, he has refused point blank to stop drinking but has offered to stop interfering between my sons and i.
      He is never physically abusive ever, but very verbally abusive and very hurtful to me and my sons.
      He is now acting like everything is ok while i am tearful mentally exhausted resentful and feeling like my old foe depression is starting to take over my life again. Why is it that everytime he is drunk and abusive it is mine or my boys fault. The love and respect i once felt for him are just about worn away by all of it.
      If i could click my fingers right now and never have to see or hear from him again i would do it.
      Sometimes you have to vent.

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