Money stolen for drugs

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    • #4524

      my 25yr old son has a serious drug problem, he takes cocaine. until recently he has always worked and supported his drug habit but now he has no job. He has been sacked from his last job because of his behaviour (snorting cocaine regularly in the pub where he worked). 3 days ago he stole £1000 from me and his step-dad and I threw him out, even though I knew I had no choice I’m so worried about turning my back on him. I cry all the time, cant go to work and feel helpless. My husband says if I have him back in the house he will leave as its not the first time he has stolen from us over the years. We have both tried to help in any way we can. He is full of promises to change but has never seeked help. what do I do now, the thought of the winter and no place to live tears me up. Can anyone advise me please

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