Mother problem?

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      So many times I told my mother I’d move out if she carried and drinking, and when I did actually move into my dad’s (I’m only fifteen) she got extremely upset/depressed. This hasn’t stopped her drinking though, or made her even acknowledge the fact that her alcoholism and attitude/behaviours are the reason my family is falling apart. I obviously don’t want to say that to her because she’s my mother and it would be horrible, but I honestly don’t know what else to do. She was pushing me away even before she started drinking (for the third time in my lifetime it’s gotten really bad), and now she thinks that just because she’s been clean for a few weeks (if that!) I’ll come running back with open arms. I don’t think she understands that I need time, and every time I catch her drinking again, it refuels my anger. She doesn’t understand that, apparently, and I guess she thinks that I’ll just forgive and forget, but I’m not that type of person. I don’t even know if I want to see her again. Can someone offer any advice on how to help? If not, thanks for hearing my story anyway :/

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