Mothers Pain

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    • #4081

      Im not sure how I can tell in words the struggle of How for the last 7 years Ive battled with my (now 27yr old),Son who became a stranger to myself after Drug Induced Phsycosis Paranoid state!.On 4 occasions He has been sectioned,!! although All support and advice has now ended and no longer has any mental Health support as He chooses to try,and to certain degree succeeds in living a normal life,He has fell back into a horrible Stats and at this very moment im concerned for His and my own safety,Desperate does not come close!! started on Friday and im at wits end…

    • #7955

      I feel your pain. I also have a son like this and wish I had an answer for you. I do send you love and prayers….I know the despair you feel. If it helps any, you are not alone.

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