My addicted now ex boyfriend stole my new 50inch tv in broad daylight

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    • #7551


    • #29511

      Hi Sarah, nothing would surprise me anymore with addicts – I’ve had money stolen, kids birthday money gone missing, he even spent his own sons birthday money on a bender with some homeless people when I was pregnant. I’m glad he’s your ex and my only advice would be don’t believe a word he says, literally nothing, block him on everything and never let him in your front door again, it’s nothing personal he probably does care for you but nothing can compete with the drugs unfortunately, hope you’re ok xx

      • #29523

        I feel really depressed since it happened , just feel down he’s chose to sacrifice the relationship for whatever drugs that tv got him, he’s left me with no tv. He’ll probably be arrested by Monday. He’s hiding from me now and blocked me so that’s it I guess . Not even an apology from him . Im gutted

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