My adult son is addicted to cannabis and cocaine

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    • #6561

      we have been struggling to support our 29yr old son with his addiction for over 10 years now, thing are worse than ever, he has lost his job, he is in thousands pounds of debt, he is close to being homeless, he is angry abusive, swears and threatens us(his parents) when he is desperate for money and we will not give it to him. We are very close to walking away form him our physical and mental health are deteriorating and we cannot take any more

    • #21545

      Hi riley123,

      Welcome to the forum, everyone here is affected by addiction, whether it’s a loved one or people with addictions, and people in recovery offering help and support.

      No need to feel alone or “where did we go wrong ” so many similar stories here. In fact , my story is almost word for word to yours.

      If you click onto Share yourStory,

      and then , “Theresa ” thread there are several of us mums with sons who have addictions. We are all in the same boat, but at least we can all relate to each other’s stories and offer help and support.

      My son is 28 has alcohol and cocaine addictions, made our lives a living hell for 10 years. Reached out to us, (it has to be their decision) joined AA and CA meetings. Long story short, hes currently 5 months clean and doing well. Thank God.

      Please look after yourself and others, don’t let this addiction consume you, like it does them.

      I wanted you to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

      Stay strong, sending you my best wishes


    • #21564

      Hi Riley,

      I’m sorry to read your post and to see how difficult things are for you with your son’s addiction affecting your health so much. You may like to contact us at Icarus Tust as we are a charity that offers support to families around those with an addiction because we know how hard this is for people. We have Family Friends, our trained and experienced people who would listen and talk with you which might help. they will also be able to tell you what other support is there for you.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      I hope this helps . Good luck.

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