My alcoholic dad

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    • #7356

      Hi everyone,

      My dad finally went into a and e after a a few weeks of a downward spiral and two seizures. He wouldn’t accept help at first and it took a lot of persuasion (4 nurses and a mental health professional) to finally get him to hospital.

      He’s been drinking every single night for the past 30+ years which I found ‘normal’ but now I look back I know it isn’t. I also want to be there emotionally for my mum and sister who have had to put up with this for too long. I’m struggling because I don’t know what steps to take next, is it my responsibility to help? Should I put myself first? Does he need to go to a rehab centre in order to give my mum and sister a break?


    • #27619

      Hi Christy, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story.

      So sorry to hear about your dad’s addiction and how it’s affecting you and the family. Such a lot for you to cope with if you’re also supporting your mum and sister. I wish I had all the answers for you.

      The adfam homepage have counselling support as do the Icarus trust, and Drugfam.

      Please take care of your own health and mental well-being at this stressful time. Find time for you. ❤️


    • #28938


      I can relate to this so much.

      My dad’s been drinking aslong as I can remember (I’m 31). He has chirrosis, seizures, can hardly walk plus lots of other things but still wants to drink.

      I feel bad for my mum who has to basically be his carer because of the drink. One minute I feel angry at him and want to never see him again but then I feel guilty the next minute.

      I hope your dad gets better and hope you, your mum and sister get the help and break you all need.

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