My Beautiful Daughter

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    • #7231

      My 32 year old daughter is struggling with Alcohol.Her little boy 8 years of age has been taken away from her and now lives with his Daddy. She was the loveliest daughter and now are relationships is so stained. I can’t help by getting angry with her as I just don’t know this person who had taken over my daughter

    • #26726

      Thank you for posting. I’m sorry that you are going through such a difficult time trying to understand what’s happening to your daughter. At Icarus Trust we offer support to people like you who are dealing with addiction in their family. if you get in touch you could speak with one of our Family Friends These are our trained and experienced people who would listen and let you know what other help is available.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      I hope this helps. Good luck.

    • #26964

      Dear Milly,

      I lost my mother at the age of 53 due to alcoholism. She was a beautiful mother, caring, loving even despite her addiction. It’s a vicious Illness. I hope your daughter seeks the correct help and goes down the right path, I know it can be done and have friends who have been sober for over 13 years and turned their lives around from the age of 31. Try not to get angry I know it’s hard. It’s not your fault and it isn’t hers either.

      Circumstances have led her to alcohol and in todays society with it being everywhere did she even have a chance? God bless to you, her and her little boy. I pray for her to find a way out.

    • #27020

      Thankyou for that warm and supportive message . I’m proud to say is now on Day 19 and is looking so well along with being so strong. Like you say “ did she ever have a chance “ . Those words made me think so differently. I can’t thank you enough .

    • #27250

      I hope those days turn into months and years. I pray she never lets her guard down and continues to occupy her life with positivity. She has the best life ahead of her if she chooses it. Best of luck to you all.

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