My bf addiction

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    • #5838

      I have been with my bf for nearly 5 years. Me and him have always gone to parties and got drunk together but he has always done cocaine. I never thought anything of it because he only used to do it once a month but then it turned into every weekend and now he seems to be doing it atleast 3 times a week that I know of. I love him so much and I know he still loves me too. He doesn’t sleep at night anymore and sleeps in the day. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I try and get him help and he agrees to it when he’s sober but then every time he has a drink he just forgets it all and does it again. It’s weird for me because i don’t take drugs myself but I want to help him. He doesn’t seem to care as much anymore and I don’t know what to do.

    • #16740

      My advice is that he needs to give up drinking. A huge task I know but this is what leads him to it.

      I have kidded myself for years but I stopped drinking and therefore the other. I realised it too late. I’ve lost my wife and consider myself lucky to still see my children.

      He needs to change his lifestyle which is a massive thing to do I know.

    • #16781

      He needs to give up drinking or only have one beer and not 4 or 5. As if I have 1 or 2 I’m fine but 4 or more and it leads down that route.

    • #16847

      Thank you and yeah I know I just find it hard to talk to him about it now he just seems so happy with me to get it and when he’s high but then he can be so horrible when he’s coming down. I just want him to be happy.

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