My boyfriend

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    • #3950

      I met my boyfriend 8 years ago it was a normal happy relationship and we were very happy, I got pregnant 3 years into our relationship and we both where very very happy. It was after our son was born when everything started to go wrong. About a year after money was going missing and I never knew where my boyfriend was or were his money was going he worked but never seemed to have any money. I never dreamed it was anything like a drug addiction. One afternoon he came home from work feeling unwell. He went up stairs for a nap told me to wake him in hour. I went on as normal cleaning and looking after our baby, an hour pasted and I went to wake him only to find him hardly breathing he had overdosed on heroin. This was the first time I found out about his addiction. He tolled me he had been on heroin for about 6 months and was positive he would be able to get himself clean, after this he tried to get clean unsuccessfully trying methadone and subutex but all has failed. He has lied and stolen money and goods out of my home to feed his habit. Then promised to never do it again and get clean all have failed it’s the hope and the constant disappointment when you find they have failed that hurts the most. I have lived with this for nearly 5 years now and at Christmas I said enough was enough and asked him to leave when I found he overdosed again for the second time. Although he left I still help support him and tried to help him so much but he became very manipulative to obtain money and the lies got worse. I still love him with all my heart but feel the heroin has taken him away from me and our son, and feel I will never trust him again. Sometimes I feel guilty and feel I wish I had seen the signs earlier so he could have got help earlier. I just hope he can someday get away from his addiction and get clean so he can have a healthy relationship with his son.

    • #8935

      Well i am Harret. when i lost my husband because of our son was a grug addict. i just have to look for means to get back my happiness and stop my son from drugs. That was when i read article and find, He help me in so many ways and i only provide him some materials that he use and he said i must tell every body of how he help me as his charges so i agreed. that while i came to your blog to tell any body that uses your blog how make me get all that i desire, bring back my husband and make my son to stop drugs

    • #8993

      Hello I am ashley cassic,i am from london united kingdom,When I eventually found testimonies about this spell caster called dr.latifat on how he helped many people to get their lovers and broken homes back,i contacted him through his email address, because I was absolutely desperate to get my husband back,Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children,i wanted a dramatic change and I thought magic could be the solution,After discussing the resolution with dr.latifat,he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage,I felt confident that he will actually make my husband to return home and he did! It’s fantastic what this great spellcaster have done for me, his help is priceless! I don’t know what I would have done without dr. latifat,he does his job so well,he is organized and highly functional,i believe he is the best spell caster,i can count on when it comes to all kinds of spell,I was floored that his spells worked,if you need help, contact him via email: and i am assure that he will restore yours too.

      • #9565

        hi I know how helpless you feel as I do for my daughter I have tried to help her over the last few years but I cannot get through to her she wont accept help from anyone as she feels there is no problem over the last year things have gone from bad to worse you may have seen her in the papers ACID ATTACK VICTIM and like you I wait that last call I am under treatment for PTSD I don’t sleep well but I try to stay strong for the rest of the family I hope your sister will listen to someone and accept help but until then stay strong and hope
        that’s all families can do

      • #9576

        I’m so sad to read how helpless you feel for your sister. If you would like to talk with someone who would understand how you are feeling please contact The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports the families and friends of addicts. You could talk with one of our experienced trained volunteers called Family Friends. Talking with one of them might help you to make sense of it all.
        You can contact us on or visit the website
        Good luck!

      • #9600

        Thank you for sharing your story.

        It seems there are few services and research done considering the experience of family members, in particular siblings. That is why I am conducting a research project looking at the narratives of siblings, encouraging others like you to share their experiences. If you wish to participate and share your story or would like more information please contact me at Thank you.

    • #9008

      Good Day everybody,i am edith katty,i live in ireland,i want to give thanks and honor to dr. latifat for the great work he did for me,he brought my lover within 72 hours which i never taught it will ever come through in my
      life, but this great man dr. latifat proved to me that powers can do wonders,i got his contact from a friend in the ireland who he helped, this
      friend of mine told me that this man is great but i felt as hmm are you sure? because i hardly believe those kind of things,so he told me not to
      worry that when i contact him, that he is guaranteeing me 100% that my lover will come back,but if it does not work that he will be the one to give me back my money,to show his sincerity to me,he gave me his house,that if it does not work that and he did not pay me the money that i spent,that i should collect his house and he gave me all the documents,i
      was so so surprised he was very serious about it,so that was how i contacted him and i told him what i want,he just told me that everything
      will be done within 72 hours,so with the assurance my friend gave me i was having confident, so in the next 72 hours that he told me i just heard a knock on my door i never knew it was my man,so that was how i opened the door,the first thing he did was to go on his knees,he started begging me to forgive him that he was very sorry for everything,i was really surprised and was also happy,so that was how i forgive him and now we are living together happily than ever before,and am using the media to invite my friends on my wedding which will coming up on 31, jan, 2015,i am very
      happy,thanks be to mr daniel who gave me his contact and honor be onto dr. latifat who helped a lot,if you need his help or you want to thank him for me you can contact him through

      • #9582

        Hi Jess
        It is so good to read your really positive story. How brilliant you have been for your dad. What a lucky man. I hope things continue to be good but if you ever need to talk get in touch with us at The Icarus Trust as we are a charity that support the families of addicts.
        You can contact us on or visit the website
        Good luck. I hope things keep going well.

    • #9014

      Greetings to everyone that is reading my post,I pray that my post will help the needy,I am santos ramos,I live in california usa,with all due respect i want to thank dr. Latifat for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and
      my family,I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine,I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my girlfriend, I required help until i found, A great spell
      caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he
      assured me that I will get my girlfriend back in just 72hours after the spell has been cast,three days later,my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was the love of my life who has not called me for past few months now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that she is ready to be by side,she is ready to be a good,caring and lovely girlfriend,she said she is also ready to spend the rest of her life with me,dr. Latifat released him, to know how much i loved and wanted her,And she also opened her eyes to picture how much love we have share together,As I am writing this testimony right
      now I believe that i am the most happiest person on earth,my girlfriend and I are living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up,So that is why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe,All thanks goes to dr. Latifat for the
      excessive work that he has done for me,Here is his if you are interested on his help,dr. Latifat makes me to understand that he is capable of giving solutions to all problems,he is a great man,his requirement is not hard and expensive,I only bought items that was required by him,I asked him what do I own you,he replied me that I own him nothing,the price I have to pay is to publish his name to the world about his good work,that is what I am doing now,thanks once again dr. Latifat,my the allah that you worship continue to bless your good work.

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