My boyfriend addicted to crack

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    • #7739

      Truth be told i don’t know where to start or what to do. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years and recently found out he has a major drug problem but he won’t admit to it even after I found his drug pipe. We don’t live together but he wants to but im to afraid because with his problem I don’t fully trust him. He has lots of disappearing acts but hell I don’t know if it’s the drugs or the fact he is an aquarius. I love this man with everything in me but I don’t think he really know that! I don’t know what to do. The more I try he pushes me away. Could someone please give me some advice. I’m very new to this. Reading all these post I realized he is not alone and people like me that really want to help them stop are not alone. I’m heartbroken because he is the love of my life, I was told from a spiritual reader once he was my husband. Im patiently waiting but im all burned out. Please help me with advice on what to do.

    • #31948

      Hello x

      I haven’t been on here for a while but I am in the same boat.

      I am sorry to hear you are going through this but you are definitely not alone and it’s so bloody hard

      my partner of 2 years is using crack and heroin at times.
      He is also a heavy drinker and I don’t know what to do as like you I am mad about him and we have known one another 15 years and I knew he www my soulmate. but now I don’t know how much more I can take.

      He’s admitted her has a problem but says it’s the booze rather than the crack… however it’s all of it.
      this weekend he has been off his face and hallucinating he was awake since Friday morning finally passed out at 2am today!
      I told him I can’t cope anymore I’m literally crying at least 2 -3 times a week.
      he packed his bags some time this morning to leave. But is currently passed out .

      I have no advice really but for me it’s been 18 months and every time he told he would calm down. Which I think he did but he has waves of craziness and goes mad on it.
      I have a child so I now feel I need to do what’s right by her as she will eventually be old enough to realise what’s going on.

      I guess we need to protect ourselves I wanted to support and help him I’ve tried my hearts in bits the thought of this ending but how are we supposed to live this life forever?
      can you live like this if they aren’t willing to change I don’t think I can.
      I am resenting him more and more each time.
      Which is I guess making me stronger however I know he’s got a problem an addiction and he loves us but when is enough enough.

      this weekend I have just had it I wanted to get in my car and drive and drive and not turn back.
      Im glad my little girl was away at her friends as it’s too much for her seeing me cry most weeks.

      Please look out for yourself , try and help your partner see if he wants to make a change or try to?
      Some people do change or want to try to change but sadly many fail and need the next fix xx x

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