My boyfriend has cocaine problem

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    • #7353

      I’ve never posted on something like this but feel I need to speak to others who are also going through the same thing or even for some advice. Hopefully we can support eachother.

      My partner has a cocanie addiction I believe, I think it has got really bad which now has caused me to leave him.

      From growing up with a bad gear addict father I can notice this from a mile of and I understand that lying and cheating comes with it.

      Within a year my partner has completed changed as a person he would sit up every night and get on it or go out and not even come home at all. Although he will deny having any problem or even doing it but I’m far from stupid.

      He’s now a compulsive liar, paranoid and completely nasty to me.

      I was pregnant for a while and actually planned to keep our baby although he made the environment so toxic i had to make a heartbreaking decision to abort my baby, he didn’t support me through any of this and refused to see me just 2 days after this I caught him with another woman in my own home.

      Me and my partner are only 21 years old and unfortunately I know that this is only the beginning of his addiction.

      I have left him and moved back to my mums, I refuse to answer any of his phone calls and do not want to see him.

      Please can someone tell me if this is the right thing to do. I want him to get help now before it’s to late but I also don’t want to live a life of hell?

    • #27612

      Hi Tillyxoxo,

      Welcome to the Forum.

      I’m glad that you have gone back to your Mums, and I really think this is the right thing to do for you. You need to be strong now and don’t answer the phone, he will only manipulate you to see him.

      Believe me when I say it would be a life of hell, I live with my addict son and it is not a life I would wish on anyone else.

      Keep in touch on here, there are lots of people in a similar situation and they all give good advice.

      Take care.


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